Today I have a guest post by JG Faherty, whose work I would highly recommend you check out. So without further ado, take it away, JG:
You folks reading this may not know me, but
Shaun Jeffrey does. That's why I'm guest blogging today.
Shaun and I go way back, although we've never met. We became acquainted via the internet (no dirty thoughts – it was a writer's critique group!) and grew to be friends. This happened because we enjoyed each other's writing and shared a love of horror and what I call dark fiction, which can cover everything from straightforward mysteries to mystery-action adventure with a supernatural twist.
Shaun has graciously allowed me to hog his
blog today because I'm promoting a new novel, The Burning Time. It's a supernatural tale involving country magic,
good-vs.-evil, a town under siege by a malevolent being, and a touch of
Lovecraftian mythos tossed in for good measure. You folks in the U.K. can
purchase it on Amazon or barnesandnoble.com. But that's not what I want to talk
about today.Today I want to talk about the similarities and differences between U.K. horror and U.S. horror. At least as I see them.
I don't know about your side of the pond,
but over here some people find it difficult to read U.K. writers. Oh, sure,
you've got the big names who do well: Clive Barker, Ramsey Campbell, Tim
Lebbon. And I'm sure we've got a few names who you'd recognize immediately:
Stephen King, Peter Straub, Dean Koontz. But we both have many other writers,
fine writers, who seem to get lost in the shuffle or overlooked because of the
which side of the Atlantic they write on.

So language is off the table. Is it sensibilities? I doubt it. If you read the horror and dark fiction genres, you're not easily offended, man or woman. Just check out Sarah Pinborough's website and blog, or her facebook page. She looks like an angel but curses like a sailor. And she's written many a bloody, gory scene in her novels to go along with the terrifyingly suspenseful ones.
Is it political or economic differences?
No. That may have been true a hundred years ago, but no longer. You have a
Queen and a Parliment; we have a President and a Congress. But we share a
common problem – most politicians are damn crooks! Plus, we're all in the same
economic downward spiral. Jobs are scarce, we hate our bosses, the rich are
always trying to screw the middle class. Other than Europe mucking around with
the Euro and trying to create a global currency, the only difference is who we
have to pay our taxes to.
So what is it, then? Well, I have an idea.
It's style.
The U.K, style for horror and dark fiction
involves more suspense; things don't always start with a big bang and then
rocket page after page, adventure to adventure, until a climax is reached. The
pace is often slower, with a steady, suspenseful build up to the climax.
Here in the U.S., much more of our writing
is rapid and fast from the start; even the pace of the language is faster.
Now, I'm not blaming you for this. I can
blame you for Simon Cowell and haggis and the unexplainable popularity of
Indian food, but not for the differences in our writing. This one falls
entirely on us, much like Justin Bieber and the Kardashians.
America is a land of instant gratification.
Fast food (we invented McDonalds so we could eat on the go), fast music (we
corrupted classic heavy metal into speed metal), and fast movies/television (we
took the rapid style of MTV videos and made it an essential part of all movies
and TV shows). And we've done it with books, too. Nowadays, you have about ten
seconds to grab a reader's interest or he/she is gone. Attention spans over
here are like those of children on sugar highs.
Sure, there are some American writers who
have succeeded while sticking with the more traditional suspense model – what
Charles L. Grant called 'quiet horror' – but they are few and far between.
Peter Straub. Charles L. Grant. Ray Bradbury. These are writers who did – and
still do, in Straub's case – build a story slowly, using atmosphere like a main
character. Every chapter didn't have to be the literary equivalent of a Quentin
Tarantino or Guy Richie movie.
Here's the problem, though. In the U.S.,
most readers want that rapid-fire style, because it's the only thing that keeps
their attention focused on the book. For us, it's like going back and watching
the movies of the 40s or 50s. Tooooo Sloooooow.
We don't know how to sit down, relax, and
just read.
This is probably one of the reasons Shaun
and I grew to appreciate each other's writing. He knows how to do this, too. He
doesn't shy away from blood and guts, he doesn't forget to include the chapter
and ending climaxes that make your hair stand on end or keep you wondering who
the killer is until the very last page, but he does build to those climaxes. He
sets the stage, he uses setting and feelings and tiny, hidden clues to make you
climb that ladder before you suddenly realize how high you are and you're about
to fall off.
A book is like a roller coaster. There are
two kinds: the ones that race up and down the hills with two speeds – fast and
really fast. Then there are the ones that go slower up the hills, so you feel
each vibration, each clink and clunk that makes you wonder if the tracks are
falling apart and you're about to tumble to your death. That steady uphill
climb also give you time to think about exactly how high you are, and how steep
and dangerous that eventual downhill run is going to be. It puts that knot in
your stomach as you wait.....
It's called anticipation, and it's what's
lacking in a lot of U.S. novels today. It's a style I wish more writers would
return to.
Think about movies. What scared you more, The Exorcist or Saw? Sure, Saw was
bloody, but did it leave you frightened afterwards? Or how about the difference
between the original Alien and the
foolishness of Alien vs. Predator?
Suspense. It's what makes horror and
mysteries truly terrifying.
So, if you like to be frightened, like to
be kept on the edge of your seat, let me recommend some books to you:
By me (gotta plug myself!): The
Burning Time, Carnival of Fear, The Cold Spot
By Shaun (gotta plug my friend!): The
Heist, The Kult, Voyeurs of Death
By other writers: The Hidden (Sarah
Pinborough), Julia, Shadowland (Peter Straub), Something Wicked This Way Comes
(Ray Bradbury), Pressure (Jeff Strand)
Besides THE BURNING TIME, JG Faherty is the
author of the Bram Stoker Award®-nominated GHOSTS OF CORONADO BAY. His other
along with 50-odd short stories. Although he is American to the core, he does
enjoy Guinness, fish & chips, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, and British
heavy metal. As a child, his favorite playground was a 17th-century cemetery,
which many people feel explains a lot. You can follow him at
www.twitter.com/jgfaherty, www.facebook.com/jgfaherty,
http://about.me/jgfaherty, and www.jgfaherty.com.
1 comment:
Language aside, one difference I've noticed is that people in the U.S. don't seem to realise that things are different in other parts of the world. One case in point is that I have had a few comments about my novel, The Kult from Americans wondering why the protagonist, Prosper Snow doesn't just shoot the bad guys, at which point I explain that the cops over here in the UK aren't armed with guns. This then brings the question, 'So how the hell do they protect themselves?'. What they fail to realise is that the crooks aren't armed with guns either, and gun crime is very rare over here. If such a situation arises, then an armed response unit will be called in. But for general day to day policing, they are armed with nothing more than a baton and some incapacitant spray.
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