Well my son and I took our latest Taekwondo grading yesterday, for our red stripe belt. Won't know how we did until next Friday, but I think it went well, apart from the aches and sprains I have this morning. I was sweating buckets during the sparring, but as I was the oldest person grading, I have an excuse.

It's great to see that people have been purchasing a copy of my novella, Dead Man's Eye via Amazon. On Amazon.co.uk it even managed to give me a nose bleed when it reached number 10 in the Kindle horror charts, so thanks to everyone who bought a copy. I really appreciate it. By the way, the price on Amazon.com is now only $0.99 (£0.70 on Amazon.co.uk):
Amazon.co.ukAmazon.comOn the writing front I've been making progress with my latest novel, even though there are a few sticky patches (and no, that's not a sexual innuendo). One problem I have is concentration, as I'm easily distracted by wanting to surf the net, check emails etc, so something that's helped in this respect is a free app called Focus Booster, which is basically just a countdown clock that you have to work to:
http://www.focusboosterapp.com/And lastly, for anyone interested I have a guest post up at the following blog. Hope you check it out: